Friday, November 13, 2009

Just a quick update

Hi all.

I just wanted to let you know that I'm not ignoring anyone but I've been not feeling so well the last couple of days. So if you've emailed me, I'm sorry I haven't been able to get back to you yet. When I get a chance I read them but hate writing back when I'm not feeling pleasant. You deserve better than that. You're emails mean so much. I love you all. Right now I'm going to have to take a pain pill (which I never do) and will probably be in bed the rest of the day. I hate to take it knowing it's going to cost me a whole day. Anyway, just wanted to let everyone know - NOT IGNORING and I will be back soon.

Love, Tracy


  1. Oooohhh, so sorry, I hope you feel better soon, sending prayers and my love...
    XO Keke

  2. Sweet Tracy, please take good care of yourself and get well soon!!!

  3. oh no I hope you feel better soon sweets! love ya hugs


  4. Feel better soon. Take care of you!

  5. Welllll, I hope you're feeling better very quickly, chick. Sorry to hear you're down....

  6. Oh, Tracy, I'm so sorry that you are in pain and feeling wretched. Don't worry about spending the day in bed if you must - you need it. Your sweet body needs the rest and time for healing. Everything else can wait. And get someone to wait on you - you need some pampering.

    God bless you for super quick healing.
    You are appeciated...

    Cynthia K.

  7. Dear sweet Tracy, Oh I'm so sorry you are not feeling well. Get plenty of rest and take good care of yourself . You will be in my prayers for a speedy recovery.
    Love & Hugs, Carol Anne xo

  8. Hi Tracy-
    Hope you're feeling better!
    Thanks for visiting my blog and commenting. Stop back soon, I'm having a give away!

  9. Tracy, feel better and we will hear from you soon!

  10. Oh Tracy, I hope you're feeling better sweet girl!!! I know what you mean though...sometimes we just need a break to take care of ourselves. I'll be keeping you in my thoughts and prayers, hugs and love, Dawn

  11. Hi Tracy:
    Feel better soon, dear! Thanks for visiting Brynwood, and for posting about my giveaway on your sidebar. I'm chalking up all your extra credit chances! Good luck in the drawing. I'll look forward to hearing from you again...and I've joined your blog so I can get me some Cotton Pickin' Cute on a regular basis! ;-)
