Friday, October 23, 2009

Sara's Sweet Surprise Give Away

Have you ever checked out Sara's Sweet Surprise. Shes got a cute blog with lots of cute ideas. And you will really love this give away. It's a gorgeous 2 gallon cut glass Apothecary Spigot Jar. I have wanted one of these for so long for the simple reason of they are so pretty. What other reason do I need. So I don't give to many teas or showers. I want it, I want it, I want it! Gosh, I learned to say that about 2 and never stopped. Tee-hee. So why am I posting this and asking for more competition in the give away? Well because I'm just so dang nice, well, um that's not quite the truth, I get 10 extra entries for posting. But I do like to share information when I find a really good blog site or give away. So I hope you take a peek, just click here.


  1. Tracey,
    Thanks for sharing. Let me see if I can help you add to your side bar...
    Pull up Sara's site.
    Right click on the picture, it will give you a list. Pick "Save picture as..." It will bring up a box so that you can save it somewhere on your computer. Once that's saved...
    Click on add a gadget button on your layout page. It will give you a menu. Pick "Picture"
    Once the Picture box comes up fill in title, caption, and underneath that it will say "URL"
    Go back to Sara's site and right click on the address bar. Choose copy. Go back to your picture menu and Paste that address where it says "URL" Underneath that it will say "Image" there will be to little boxes, click the one that says "my computer" click on the browse button and find the picture you saved. Click on that...In a couple of seconds it should pull up your picture. Scroll to the bottom of menu and click "save" Wahla! It should instantly be added to your side bar! Hope this helps! Happy Friday, have a blessed day! XO Keke

  2. Hi Tracy~
    Thanks for sharing this Giveaway! I am off to take a peek :)


  3. Oh, what a lovely giveaway, I am off to check it out right now!


  4. Hey girlie... you won my giveway-- Need your address so you can enjoy these lanterns for Halloween!! email me..

  5. what a lovely giveaway! Thanks for letting us know!
    and for visiting!!
