Friday, October 2, 2009

Check Out This Great Give Away

Hi everyone. I have another great give away to tell you about. It's not me hosting this time. It's Cheryl the owner of a wonderful blog called Zany Mayd. She's not just having one give away she's having FOUR! You read that right 4 give aways before Christmas. Just click here Zany Mayd: Happy October ~ A Grand Give Away Month...... and see what wonderful give aways she has planned through December. All are great vintage items sure to please. Thank you Cheryl!!! Let her know that I sent you and good luck to all.
Hugs...Tracy :)


  1. Aren't the Good Citizens of Blog Land just so generous!?! Give for the sake of giving, with a celebration attached or not... So much fun! Warm fuzzy's in the cockles of my heart. Soulless would be my boss whom has tortured me for five years but even more so in the last 12 months since I developed dystonia. You would have to read some of my past post to catch up. Since my kingdom is supposed to be a happy kingdom filled with light I've decided not to include her there any more. I'm thinking of starting a second blog just for that, it's such good therapy to write it down.
    On another note, "linking?" The only way I know is to put someone's url address in the side bar. But as I've said in past post, I'm technically inept and figuring things out as I go. If you go to your dashboard and click on lay out, click on add a gadget, scroll down and you should find "link list". that's where you'll get the box that ask for new site URL and site name under it. You can add as many to this as you want,(I think) at least I just keep clicking the add button and it hasn't stopped me yet! :)

  2. Congratulations on your win!!! I really appreciate the kind words you wrote on my post today...God is good!

  3. Hi Tracy, Just had to stop by your blog to say Hello..... I just Love meeting New People in this great big Blogland! Thanks for Entering My Give-Away, You are officially entered X's 3..... Best of Luck to You, or maybe You Don't Need any luck, you seem to do very well.....

  4. Thanks to the wonderful comment you left on my blog I've discovered all the wonderful giveaways you posted! Thanks so much for visiting and for sharing *smile*

    Happy Creating!

